News from Jules | 08.27.2018 | A Little More Effort Than Expected

This spring, life has taken a lot of effort.

Actual exertion of physical healing, plus emotional and mental stress.

Plus, perhaps even more effort to try and stay centered amidst it all.

After such a chaotic May, June and July full of one mishap after another—I’d had enough.

Sure, most incidents were beyond my control and simply accidents, but if I was attracting any of that negativity and hardship to me it was time to change my magnetic field.

Drama-free was the intention I carried into August, my birthday month.

I would start this next year off on the right foot, not the wrong one.

And, drama-free it has been.

Simply because I wished it so?

I doubt it.

I have been choosing the path of least resistance. Choosing easy. Choosing effortless. 

Listening to my body and letting my intuition guide me to the simple yeses and the clear no’s.

When I have sensed resistance or extra effort, I pay closer attention to see how I can ease up.

So many opportunities have arisen in just a few weeks. So many yeses. It’s actually been feeling a bit too abundant.

Is there such a thing?

Yes, too abundant means too much of a good thing.

This starts to feel like overwhelm and saturation.

Who decides what’s just right and what’s too much?

We do.

To each their own, as the yogis say.

Yin is a style of yoga that’s typically slower and more restorative. Just right usually happens through ease.

I’ve found it a wonderful class to take on Sunday nights, kicking off the week after an equally restorative Sabbath.

“Well, this is taking a little more effort than expected,” my yin yoga teacher remarked with surprise last night during class.

Instead of simply melting into the suggested pose, I could feel my muscles engage a bit just as she did.

Sometimes just right requires some effort.

But, we can still approach it with ease.

As effortless as August has been, September is looking effortful.

Looking like it will take a little more effort than expected. Especially to stay centered amidst it all.

This is typical. There’s usually a shift from the summer rhythm into the fall schedule.

And yet, I’m still a bit surprised.

Technically, summer extends all the way until Sept. 22, but the flurry of the new school year seems to stir up energy for all of us.

Given the opportunities of the last few weeks, now I’ll be traveling for work and my family is taking a trip. I have new gigs as well as new projects kicking off in September. And, I’m moving!

Sound familiar?

Well, probably a different list. But a list, nonetheless.

So, what do we do when life is taking a little more effort than expected?

Do we lean in and effort harder?

Do we take a nod from yin yoga and effort easefully, with the least amount possible?

I suppose, it depends.

What feels right to you?

May your just right be just right for you this week.


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